Mapeando as interconexões entre Mudanças Climáticas, Operações Humanitárias e os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável para o fortalecimento da Agenda 2030.

O projeto CLIMHOPS visa investigar as interconexões entre os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) para alavancar políticas que abordam as mudanças climáticas e seus impactos, com um foco nas políticas de Operações Humanitárias.

Considerando que a tríade (mudanças climáticas, ODS e operações humanitárias) é interdependente e dinamicamente complexa, adotamos a Dinâmica de Sistemas como metodologia para abordar a questão de pesquisa: quais são as interconexões entre as mudanças climáticas, os ODS e as operações humanitárias?

Início: 26/12/2022   >>>  Conclusão: 31/12/2026 

Áreas de Foco



Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável

de Sistemas

Quem Somos

Leiras, Ph.D.

Professora Associada

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)

Vinicius Picanço
Rodrigues, Ph.D.

Professor Assistente

University of Strathclyde - UK
Insper - Brazil

Brenda de Farias Oliveira Cardoso, M.Sc.

Professora Assistente

Universidade Estadual do Pará (UEPA)

Luiza Ribeiro
Alves Cunha, Ph.D.


Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Raissa Zurli Bittencourt Bravo, Ph.D.


Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)

Maria Angélica Gomes da Silva, M. Sc.


Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)


2024 IPSERA Conference (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)

Unfolding the complex interdependencies between the Sustainable Development Goals, Humanitarian Operations, and Climate Change 

Resumo: This paper aims to unpack the interconnections between the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 13) and the other SDGs to leverage policies to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of Climate Change (CC), emphasizing Humanitarian Operations (HO) policies. We developed a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to systematize the insights and compile an exhaustive list of existing paths connecting the CC-SDG-HO triad. The main results indicate that CC is rapidly intensifying the frequency and severity of climate-related disasters – such as droughts, water scarcity, floods, fires and biodiversity loss – which have a profound impact on human health and well-being.


2024 POMS-MIT Scale Conference (Cartagena, Colômbia)

Analyzing the interplay between climate change, humanitarian operations, and the Sustainable Development Goals: A conceptual framework 

Resumo: Climate Change (CC) refers to long-term changes and global weather patterns. The consequences of CC include intense droughts and floods, among other disasters. These disasters significantly affect the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and they are inextricably intertwined. Also, these disasters increase the demand for more assistance policies and, consequently, for more Humanitarian Operations (HO), seeking to balance short-term responses with long-term economic and social development interventions. In this context, this paper aims to map the interconnections between SDG 13 and the other SDGs to leverage policies to adapt to the impacts of CC, emphasizing HO policies. Given the problem’s interconnection and dynamically complex nature, we adopt system dynamics as a methodological approach. The findings are encapsulated in a causal loop diagram (CLD) based on the CC-SDG-HO triad, which captures the main interconnections among variables.


2023 International System Dynamics Conference (Chicago, Estados Unidos)

Mapping Climate Change, Humanitarian Operations, and the Sustainable Development Goals Interplay

Resumo: Climate change exacerbates disasters, significantly hindering efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs). When disaster impacts exceed the capacity of affected communities to recover, humanitarian operations (HO) provide short-term responses and long-term development interventions. Therefore, this research aims to unpack the interconnections between SDG 13 (Climate Action) and the other SDGs to leverage policies to combat the impacts of Climate Change (CC), emphasizing HO policies. Considering that the CC-SDG-HO triad is interdependent and dynamically complex, we adopt System Dynamics as a methodology. The findings are encapsulated in a causal loop diagram. We are undertaking a Systematic Literature Review to document insights from papers and compile an exhaustive list of existing paths connecting the CC-SDG-HO triad. The results contribute to the knowledge of sustainable development and humanitarian operations, which will serve as a foundation for follow-on studies.


EurOMA 2023 Conference (Leuven, Bélgica)

Mapping the linkages between Climate Change, Humanitarian Operations, and the Sustainable Development Goals

Resumo: Climate Change (CC) refers to long-term temperature changes and global weather patterns. The consequences of CC include intense droughts and floods, among other disasters. These disasters significantly affect the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and they are inextricably intertwined. Also, these disasters increase the demand for more assistance policies and, consequently, for more Humanitarian Operations (HO), seeking to balance short-term responses with long-term economic and social development interventions. In this context, this paper aims to map the interconnections between SDG 13 and the other SDGs to leverage policies to combat the impacts of CC, emphasizing HO policies.


POMS 2023 Conference (Orlando, Estados Unidos)

Mapping the linkages between Climate Change, Humanitarian Operations, and SDGs 

Resumo: Climate change exacerbates disasters, significantly hindering efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. When disaster impacts exceed the capacity of affected communities to recover, humanitarian operations provide short-term responses and long-term development interventions. Therefore, this paper aims to unpack the linkages between SDG 13 (Climate Action) and the other SDGs to leverage policies to address the impacts of climate change. Given the problem’s interconnection and dynamically complex nature, we adopt system dynamics as a methodological approach. The findings are encapsulated in a causal loop diagram, which feeds into a simulation model to support policy design. 



Mapeando as interconexões entre Mudanças Climáticas, Operações Humanitárias e os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável para o fortalecimento da Agenda 2030.

O projeto interinstitucional coordenado pelo HANDs Lab da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) foi selecionado no Edital CNPq/MCTI/FNDCT Nº 59/2022 - Produção de Conhecimento Voltada para Soluções e Tecnologias Associadas à Mitigação e Adaptação às Mudanças Climáticas.

Insper participa de pesquisa sobre a relação entre mudanças climáticas e operações humanitárias

A iniciativa foi selecionada pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) e vai contar com um orçamento R$835 mil. 

